Wednesday, September 30, 2020

Wednesday CBD Wish List: 30-September-2020

Alienated (2020) #6
(2020) #6
The Ancestors (2019) #5
The Ancestors
(2019) #5
Artemis  & the Assassin (2020) #5
Artemis  & the
(2020) #5
Ascender (2019) #13
(2019) #13
Avengers (2018) #36
(2018) #36
Batman (2020) The Adventures Continue #13
Batman (2020)
Adventures Cont. #13
Batman (2020) The Joker War Zone #1
Batman (2020) The
Joker War Zone
Batman (2020) Three Jokers #2
Batman (2020)
Three Jokers #2
Batman (2019)/Superman Annual #1
Batman (2019)/
Superman Annual
The Boys (2020) Dear Becky #5
The Boys (2020)
Dear Becky #5
Chu (2020) #3
(2020) #3
Dark Nights (2020) Death Metal: Metaverse's End #1
Dark Nights (2020)
DM: Metaverse's #1
The Department of Truth (2020) #1
The Department of
(2020) #1
Falcon (2020) & Winter Soldier #3
Falcon (2020) &
Winter Soldier
Fantastic Four (2018) #24
Fantastic Four
(2018) #24
The Fire of Theseus (2020) vol.1 Survive
The Fire of Theseus
(2020) vol.1 Survive
The Fire of Theseus (2020) vol.2 Conquer
The Fire of Theseus
(2020) vol.2 Conquer
Firefly (2020) Blue Sun Rising #0
Firefly (2020)
Blue Sun Rising #0
Giant-Size X-Men (2020) Tribute to Wein & Cockrum #1
Giant-Size X-Men
(2020) Tribute to #1
The Good (2019) #12
The Good
(2019) #12
Gunning for Ramirez (2020) Vol. 1
Gunning for Ramirez
(2020) vol.1
Harley Quinn (2020) & the Birds of Prey #3
Harley Quinn (2020)
& the Birds of Prey #3
Hyper Scape (2020) #1 The First Principle Part 2
Hyper Scape (2020)
#1 First P Part 2
Immortal Hulk (2020) The Threshing Place #1
Immortal Hulk
(2020) Threshing #1
Injustice (2020) Year Zero #7
Injustice (2020)
Year Zero #7
John Constantine (2020) Hellraiser #10
John Constantine
(2020) Hellraiser #10
Judge Dredd (2020) False Witness #3
Judge Dredd (2020)
False Witness #3
Justice League (2018) Annual #2
Justice League
(2018) Annual #2
Killadelphia (2019) #8
(2019) #8
The Legacy of Mandrake the Magician (2020) #0
The Legacy of
(2020) #0
Legion of Super-Heroes (2019) #9
Legion of Super-
(2019) #9
The Ludocrats (2020) #5
The Ludocrats
(2020) #5
Marvel Zombies (2020) Resurrection #2
Marvel Zombies
(2020) Resurrection #2
Marvels (2020) X #5
Marvels (2020)
X #5
Mirka Andolfo's Mercy (2020) #6
Mirka Andolfo's
(2020) #6
Nailbiter (2020) Returns #5
Nailbiter (2020)
Returns #5
Red Hood (2018) Outlaw #49
Red Hood (2018)
Outlaw #49
The Resistance (2020) #6
The Resistance
(2020) #6
Rogue Planet (2020) #5
Rogue Planet
(2020) #5
Savage Avengers (2019) #12
Savage Avengers
(2019) #12
Sea of Stars (2019) #7
Sea of Stars
(2019) #7
Shang-Chi (2020) #1
(2020) #1
Spawn (1992) #310
(1992) #310
Star Wars (2020) Doctor Aphra #4
Star Wars (2020)
Doctor Aphra #4
Strange Academy (2020) #3
Strange Academy
(2020) #3
Stranger Things (2020) Science Camp #1
Stranger Things
(2020) Science C #1
Superman (2020) Man of Tomorrow #16
Superman (2020)
Man Tomorrow #16
That Texas Blood (2020) #4
That Texas Blood
(2020) #4
Wonder Woman (2016) #763
Wonder Woman
(2016) #763
X-Factor (2020) #4
(2020) #4
X-Ray Robot (2020) #2
X-Ray Robot
(2020) #2
Year Zero (2020) #5
Year Zero
(2020) #5